WhatsApp, one of the most used messaging applications in the world, is implementing a new feature after its sale to Facebook. According to the news […]
Okumaya devam etKategori: Technology
Instagram's New Advertising Space, Discover
Instagram, one of the world's largest photo and video sharing applications with nearly 1 billion users, not only provides easier and more comfortable navigation for […]
Okumaya devam etWhatsapp Stories Can Be Shared on Facebook | Adana Stage Media
The 'stories' feature, which was first used on Instagram and attracted great attention, was later moved to Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp. However, users did not […]
Okumaya devam etRevolutionary Innovation from Whatsapp | Adana Stage Media
WhatsApp, one of the most used messaging applications, is working to implement an innovation such as circuit. Thanks to the new feature, users will be […]
Okumaya devam etYoutube Introduced Its New Features | Adana Stage Media
YouTube, the most popular video sharing site, has implemented a number of innovations to improve user experience and give users more control over their own […]
Okumaya devam etWhatsapp Prevents Mistakes with Its New Feature
WhatsApp, the most used messaging application, is implementing a new feature to make the lives of its users easier. WhatsApp, which took action upon the […]
Okumaya devam etYoutube Tests Paid Subscription
The most popular sharing site, Youtube, has implemented another application that it announced last year. The “paid subscription” system, which was announced at VidCon 2018 […]
Okumaya devam etWhatsapp is Preparing to File a Lawsuit | Adana Stage Media
WhatsApp, one of the most used messaging applications, has taken action to protect the legal rights of its users. WhatsApp, which has 1.5 billion users, […]
Okumaya devam etWhatsapp Protects User Information | Adana Stage Media
WhatsApp, which has recently decided to take legal steps against those responsible for situations such as sending automatic messages and disturbing other users, will both […]
Okumaya devam etGreat Interest in Whatsapp Paid Groups
There is great interest in paid WhatsApp groups. WhatsApp application, which is one of the most used messaging and communication programs in the world, is […]
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