WhatsApp, the most used online instant messaging application worldwide, announced to users that a new feature has been developed to improve user experience. WhatsApp’s multi-device […]
Okumaya devam etAy: Mart 2024
Tax Regulation for Youtubers | Adana Stage Media
In the new economic reform package to be submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly, a new regulation regarding the taxation of YouTubers’ income comes […]
Okumaya devam etWhat does Influencer mean? How to Make Money?
The concept of influencer has been on the agenda of the media, communication, advertising and marketing sectors lately. Everything you need to know about Influencer, […]
Okumaya devam etFacebook’s New Brand Name: META
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook, which is still one of the Social Media platforms with the most users even though it has […]
Okumaya devam etIt’s Now Very Easy to Find Old Tweets on Twitter
A New Feature to Find Past Tweets from Twitter Twitter makes it easier to find tweets shared in the past, thanks to the new feature […]
Okumaya devam etInstagram is Changing! Subscription Period Begins.
The price list of the social media platform Instagram, which is preparing to offer its subscription feature to users in the near future, has been […]
Okumaya devam etPay Attention to These When Managing Your Social Media Accounts
Over the past 10 years, the popularity of social media platforms has increased irreversibly. These developments have transformed digital media into an industry on its […]
Okumaya devam etTiktok Enters E-Commerce | Adana Stage Media
TikTok, the social media platform that has taken the world by storm with its popularity, announced a new feature to the world at an event […]
Okumaya devam etInstagram’s Real Swipe Feature is in the Story!
Competition between social media platforms continues to be fierce. Instagram, which constantly innovates to compete with TikTok, is preparing to usher in a new era […]
Okumaya devam etBig Change in Social Media Platforms
There is greater money traffic on the internet and social media every day, and legal authorities have recently turned their attention to these channels. Trades […]
Okumaya devam et